Monday, April 27, 2020

New Girl free essay sample

My body tenses as I approach my somber-faced parents sitting at our dimly lit kitchen table—we are moving, again. This was our third move in six years, and I was eleven. I turn away from my parents, and trudge up the stairs. We lived in Appleton for three years, but I expected to spend the rest of my childhood there. But then again, I thought the same for Aurora, Illinois, and Greenville, Wisconsin, too. But now we were moving to Hartland, a suburb of Milwaukee. We might as well have been moving across the country, since I lost contact with all my friends in previous moves. My dad spent months commuting to his new job in Hartland, while my mom looked for a house. Every time she returned home from house-hunting, I gained hope that the move wouldn’t happen. You can’t move somewhere if you don’t have a house, right? But, it didn’t take long before my mom found a house. We will write a custom essay sample on New Girl or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I sat in my friend’s mom’s car during a rained-out softball practice when my mom called with the news. It was actually happening—the move was real. We left Appleton a month before I went into sixth grade. I entered middle school, a as the new girl—an added disadvantage. The first weeks were the hardest. No one knew who I was, and no one cared. During my first choir class, the teacher told us to introduce ourselves to the kids sitting next to us. â€Å"Hi, I’m Kel—† The boy sitting next to me cut me off mid-introduction. â€Å"I don’t know you, so I’m not going to talk to you,† the boy said, and he turned to talk with the girl sitting on his other side. Things turned around, though, when basketball season arrived. I had played basketball since second grade, and I knew basketball tryouts would be my opportunity to branch out and meet more people. And through basketball, I met new classmates, and settled into Hartland. Now, having lived in Hartland for six years, I am happy to call it home. Not a lot of people notice that I have moved three times in my life. Although moving has been a source of grief and struggle for me, it has been an important part of my life, and it has changed me for the better. Through moving, I learned to adapt to new environments, put myself out there, and be open to connecting with and meeting new people. Being â€Å"the new girl† has prepared me for my future and any challenges I have to undergo. And now I know that during my years studying at Madison, I will bring effort, determination, and open-mindedness to make the best out of any situation, because that is what â€Å"the new girl† does.

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