Monday, August 24, 2020

The Use of Steroids in Major League Sports :: Athletes Drugs Professional Baseball Doping

The Use of Steroids in Major League Sports There has been a great deal of debate about steroids in sports. The weight has caused some game stars to admit to their utilization of steroids. A portion of these individuals are Barry Bonds, Gary Sheffield, and Jason Giambi. Steroids however appear to be useful to proficient competitors, it can hazardous and can assist individuals with getting advantage over others. Steroids have been around for quite a while. â€Å"The first individuals to utilize anabolic steroids for athletic upgrade were the Russians who found the medication and had extraordinary success.† They gazed to utilize the steroids in the 1950’s. The steroids they utilized had many reactions. At the point when they began to utilize them, they had a high opportunity to kick the bucket of coronary illness and numerous different things. During the Olympics in 1950 and a little past the Russians were know as the best weight lifters on the planet. Nobody realized that they utilized steroids. Sooner or later, their mystery was out and the Bulgarians began to utilize them. Steroids can help yet they do have serious reactions. â€Å"Overall the use of steroids is harming to the human body.† In men, the steroids can make shrinkage the gonads, decline sperm tally, sterility, feebleness, prostate broadening, and development of bosoms. The majority of the symptoms can't be switched. The most extreme reaction of steroids is on the liver. It is called Peliosis Hepatis, which is a blood-filled sore in the liver. In the event that the sores burst, they can cause liver disappointment. That would no doubt slaughter the individual. In ladies, it can sue the development of facial hair, shrinkage of the uterus, sterility, extending of the voice, decline in bosom size, and inconsistency in the menstrual cycle. In the two people, jaundice, edema of feet and lower legs (water maintenance), cerebral pains, throbbing joints, decrease in HDL, hypertension, stroke, male pattern baldness, liver diseases, skin break out, atherosierosis and malignant growth. At the poi nt when infused a portion of the dangers are creating hematons and getting AIDS and HIV. Taking steroids abbreviates the life expectancy as long as twenty years and a possibility of getting diabetes, cardiovascular sicknesses, and hypertension. The symptoms are responses from utilizing steroids are interminable. There are a wide range of sorts of steroids and the reactions are getting less serious however more individuals are taking them as a result of their prompt impact. â€Å"But, there are a large group of new working out medications, for example, GH, Insulin, IGF, PGF, TGF, DNP, beta agonists, and so forth.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Five Points of Architecture and Mimesis †Free Sample Solution

Question: Give here five Points of Architectureand Mimesis? Answer: Five Points of Architecture is a pronouncement of engineering that has been noted by Le Corbusier. The declaration was created in LEsprit Nouveau and the book distributed by him Vers une engineering. The synopsis of the five purposes of engineering are(1) Supports or Pilotis(2) Roof gardens(3) Free structure of the ground plan(4) Horizontal windows(5) Free structure of the faade. It is safe to say that you are Daunted by the Thought of Due Assignments? Benefit Our Services and Receive Assignment Help from Experts. One of the instances of working in which the five purposes of design has been joined is Villa Savoye. The structure was the ideal model utilizing the five purposes of engineering. Five purposes of Architecture is educated in the schools of design everywhere throughout the world. It must be trailed by the planner to develop current houses so as to give a solid condition to the occupants of the house. The structural plan depicts recorded highlights. There is enormous access to light , sterility , ergonomy and air. The structures are developed in such a way in this way, that it fills in as a corner store of current craftsmanship. The five purposes of engineering depends on five fundamental focuses. First point to be chosen to develop a structure by utilizing five purposes of engineering is Pilotis. It is the strategy wherein the structures are raised. Strengthened cement is utilized for raising the structures. It is a basic technique for making supports and chunks. The structures were d eveloped in ideal request by sorting out the pilotis as a network. There is impression of classis design in engineering. It will acquire great characteristics the cutting edge building structure. The pilotis or the help of the structure was developed which raised the floor of the structure around six feet over the degree of the ground. The point behind this sort of development is that the rooms doesn't stay in contact with the sodden soil of the ground. A similar technique for development has been utilized for the development of Villa Savoye. Be that as it may, the room developed for the workers isn't over the ground level. This kind of development is extraordinary and intriguing as indicated by different engineers and old ways of thinking, the structure will stay appended with the ground level for example the degree of the earth. The experience of the dirt will be on the structure. Be that as it may, the five point design presents an exceptional element of developing the structure not many meters over the ground Figure - Pilotis Rooftop gardens were a measure by which the nature was carried nearer to the house. Le Corbusier got motivation from the streamliners. As per this plan , the superstructure will be high over the degree of the ground. It will give away from of the site. These perspectives were applied by Le Corbusier. The top of the structures will be open. This will give an immediate perspective on the nature. An Arcadian climate will be arranged.Concrete outline development prompted the development of Free Faade. The dividers were made liberated from development. This made the structure free. The free arrangement was created because of development. Anyway the arrangement isn't restricted by development and the structure has become free.The thought of open arrangement was framed by different development of innovation. As per this view engineering doesn't just partition the space totally however it permits the space to follow in the middle of the piece of the structure. This type of thought is otherwise called promenade building. It is a significant component where the structure is built. As indicated by this idea the structure is built along the flight of stairs. The floors are connected by the slope which is isolated by the staircase.The impact of Free fracade is found in the Horizontal windows. The Horizontal windows is considered as a significant component of the Le Corbusier campaign. It is a campaign towards giving freedom to the individuals from the malevolence of historism. The level windows gives access to enormous measure of light. It helps in lighting the inside of the house. The outside view can be handily encircled with the assistance of the flat windows. This will push the outside to the inside of the structure. Five purposes of Architecture is educated in the schools of engineering everywhere throughout the world. It must be trailed by the designer to build present day houses so as to give a solid condition to the occupants of the house. The engineering configuration depicts verifiable highlights. There is immense access to light , sterility , ergonomy and air. Structures were developed by Le Corbusier for rich customers. The creative individuals put away immense measure of cash for the development of house utilizing this type of design. This was a valued belonging for them which could be flaunted to their companions. The thoughts of Le Corbusier were tried for the development of enormous number of manors. Source - The five point engineering has been applied for the development of the structure known as the Villa Savoye. It is viewed as a gem of design in the current day. The structure was breezy and the entire volume of air could go through the whole structure. Light could infiltrate through the structure and the outside of the structure could be seen through the inside of the structure. The structure was near nature. Estate Savoye was the ideal mix of five purposes of design. Le Corbusier lifted the structure of the structure starting from the earliest stage a supporting structure known as the pilotis. The pilotis strengthen the solid braces. The pilotis filled in as offering basic help to the structure. The pilotis offered help to the following two focuses known as the free faade and the open floor plan. The free faade was the dividers that were non supporting. The open floor plan was developed so the space of the floor can be made to rooms without influencing the supporting dividers. In the second floor of the structure of Villa Savoye , segments of strip windows were built. The windows gave perspectives on the yard outside the structure. The structure had a rooftop garden. The green zone repaid the greenery of the structure that has been involved for the development of the structure. The greenery was supplanted at the rooftop top. Building promenade through the whole structure was given by the incline ascending from the beginning to the porch connected with the third floor. This structure is a special case of the five point design in the cutting edge time. All the significant characteristics of this type of design were utilized by the structure. Mimesis can be characterized as a philosophical term that has different sorts of implications joined to it. The implications of mimesis are impersonation, mimicry and it depicts a few components that are non arousing in nature. The term mimesis was related with crafted by craftsmanship. It was related with the physical world. Plato deciphered mimesis in an alternate manner. It was considered as an abstract capacity of the old Greek society. Mimesis has additionally been characterized as a philosophical term that conveys wide scope of implications to it. It is a type of taking after and it is a type of articulation. It has been said by Plato that all imaginative creation is a type of impersonation. It has genuine presence and it originates from God. Along these lines a painter, performer , modeler are imitators. They mimic and apply their abilities ably. From the development of the structures by Le Corbusier it is clear that he had thoughts of urban arranging. His concept of urban arranging gets reflected in the task of Voisin. It had a lot of unattached towers along the scene. The way to deal with this task was same as it was found in Villa Savoye. The Voison venture was in a much diminished rate that the Villa Savoye. The explanation for the rooftop garden is isolation of the nursery at the evaluation from the rooftop garden. The nursery at the patio is not the same as the nursery at the scene. In this way the Villa Savoye has intriguing highlights which has been made after appropriate investigation. Anyway the rooftops are not new to the cutting edge type of design. The utilization of rooftop top nursery has been found in the top of Fiat Factory in Turin. It is significant in the cutting edge type of engineering. It parted from the social shows of the nineteenth century. This is a point if proclamation and the purpose of acknowled gment that has been applied in Villa Savoye. The auxiliary framework that has been utilized in Villa Savoye is autonomous in nature. Aside from the few space that has been built by general society. The rest space has been made for the development of local location. The idea has been undermined to address the issues of the family units. The screen dividers in the Villa Savoye that can't endure load. This has made detachment between the house and the physical scene. The expansion of the scene of the house is to isolate the house from the physical scene. References Ching, Francis D. K, Architecture, Form, Space Order (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979)Corbusier, Le, 'Towards A New Architecture. Mineola, NY', Dover Publications, 1986Hays, K. Michael, Architecture Theory Since 1968 (Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 1998)Le Corbusier, and Frederick Etchells, Towards A New Architecture (London: Architectural Press, 1946)The New Zealand Herald, 'David Tsow: Skyscraper Was Ahead Of Its Time - Opinion - NZ Herald News', 2015 [accessed 7 January 2015]

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Essay sample on effects of texting

Essay sample on effects of texting Contemporary students are extremely dependent on the Internet and their smartphones. They got used to being in touch with their peers and family and use text messaging both at home and school. Although one cannot deny that elaborate communication tools are extremely useful, an increasing number of researchers, educators, and parents raise concerns about the effects of excessive text messaging on teenagers. More specifically, there have been heated debates as to the adverse impact of texting on students’ literacy skills. This text messaging affecting literacy research paper aims to explore these concerns in detail and, based on the reliable academic literature, determine whether text messaging is indeed detrimental for teenagers’ writing and communication skills. Texting and Literacy Research: Contradicting Results There have been many studies attempting to explore the effects of text messaging on students literacy. Some critics argue that excessive use of smartphones adversely affects the way children think, read, and write. They note that the more students use this type of communication, the less they are able to see the difference between informal and formal English (Myhra, 2010). Among the most common mistakes made by students are missing words, misspelling, and missing punctuation, mainly because texting does not require users to pay attention to all these aspects. The problem is that students use texting for informal communication, where academic grammar is not generally required. They use cyber slang, such as “LOL,” “BFF,” or “WTF” to express their emotions, which is fine for chatting with friends but is unacceptable for higher education or business (Myhra, 2010). Educators are concerned that if students learn to use this simplified language in the middle-school, they may hav e difficulty using correct, formal language when they grow up (Tomaszewski, 2011). To summarize, negative effects of text messaging have been well-documented during the past decade. However, not all researchers agree that texting is detrimental to children’s writing skills and spelling. For example, the recent study by Van Dijk et al. (2016) aimed to determine how textese affect students’ cognitive abilities and executive functions. The main objective pursued by authors was to answer the question “does text messaging affect writing skills?” Scholars used a sample of 55 teenagers who regularly used text messaging. Results revealed that textese improve both children’s abilities in written language and their spoken language. In this way, the study showed that contrary to the widespread opinion, texting does not lead to language deterioration (Van Dijk et al., 2016). These findings were supported by Wood, Kemp, and Waldron (2014) who noted that texting slang does not seem to impact teenagers’ literacy negatively. Baggott (2006) argued that in the contemporary digital age, the very concept of literacy should be viewed differently. As explained by the author, today’s literacy is not only about writing and reading skills but also about the ability to interpret information, knowing how to use multimedia, and being able to select the relevant data from the wide array of sources. Therefore, if to look at literacy from this perspective, one may confidently note that texting allows students to gain all these vital skills. More importantly, Baggott (2006) highlighted that the effects of text messaging on students’ literacy are exaggerated. In fact, they know perfectly well when they can use “IMHO” and when they should use more sophisticated, formal language. Singh, Gupta, and Tuteja (2015) took a middle-ground position and argued that texting may affect students’ literacy both positively and negatively. On the one hand, students who use text messaging communicate more and gain new knowledge and information, which makes them generally literate. On the other hand, the use of short words may make them lazy and less attentive to grammar and spelling (Singh et al., 2015). Verheijen (2013) added that existing studies do not allow drawing definite conclusions as to the effects of texting. According to this author, differences in sample sizes, population, and methodology mean that comparing the findings of the empirical research is impossible. Other Effects of Text Messaging in the Classroom As shown in the previous paragraphs, there is no unanimity regarding the effects of text messaging to students in relation to literacy skills. However, text messaging is a social phenomenon that affects not only writing and reading but also teenagers’ communication skills. Effects of text messaging on communication skills have been widely researched nowadays, and the prevailing view is that texting is detrimental to genuine face-to-face communication. Villines (2012) explained that children get used to instant messaging and anonymity brought by popular messengers, so they may feel uncomfortable interacting with people in real life. In other words, they forget that face-to-face communication requires considerable efforts, patience, and listening skills. As a result, one may see the negative effects of texting in the classroom, where children are expected to actively interact in-person. As noted by Villines (2012), students may get irritated by slow-paced communication and lose a cha nce to build meaningful relationships with peers and teachers. To conclude there are both negative and positive effects of texting on literacy, so further research is needed to address this controversy. On the one hand, it is believed that texting deprives students of the opportunity to learn the formal language and makes them less attentive to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. On the other hand, the use of technologies may positively affect teenagers’ digital literacy skills, which are vital for succeeding in the contemporary society. However, one thing is clear â€" texting adversely affects the way children communicate, so it is important to encourage them to spend more time on in-person interaction.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Total quality management

Total quality management The UK Retail Industry: A Case of TQM at Tesco Supermarket Origin and development of TQM Provision of high quality services is at the top of the agenda of any form of senior management. Quality is used as a strategic weapon that companies use to compete within the current markets (Heckl, et al., 2010). Quality pleases the consumers who are the most influential people for any business whether in the service sector or the manufacturing sector. Therefore, for a company to have the advantage over other rival companies, it has to identify and develop quality of its products and services and specifically compete on this dimension. When companies are able to produce goods and services of a high quality, they not only please the consumers but also put themselves in a position where they achieve internal effectiveness and reduce their cost of operation. Using the techniques of total quality management, several companies in the UK service sector have been able to achieve success (Yasin, et al., 2009). The philosophy of total quality management began as a result of dramatic changes in the business environment. The philosophy itself began in the early eighties when the global economy experienced a recession similar to the recent one in 2008 (Yasin, et al., 2009). Several companies experienced this changes which were characterized mainly by factors such as low cost of competition, globalization, rapid technology transfer, and increased consciousness of quality by the consumers. The recession affecting several national economies as well as the global economy; as a result development of policies on quality could easily be blocked (Yasin, et al., 2009). But, companies that consider quality of the product and services they give to consumers can use the idea as a way of being competitive in the market. There are several techniques for quality management that have been used to achieve quality of products and services, but, the most effective technique has been total quality management (TQ M) (Wessel Burcher, 2010). Total Quality Management in the UK retail industry It is hard for a company that intends to compete effectively to ignore the use of total quality management. Based on empirical evidence, the technique of total quality management has proven to have a significant effect on the general output or result of a company. It is for this reason that business should not fail to ignore implementing policies of total quality management. Hence, total quality management can be defined as a means of seeking excellence in all functions of business in order to prevent possibilities of errors or mistakes and to create optimal customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction is achieved when the output is free of errors and it is only through efficiency and effectiveness that defects can be prevented (Heckl, et al., 2010). Depending on the whether a firm is one the service industry or the manufacturing industry, the techniques for total quality management will vary. The most common characteristics that cause this difference is the fact that in the service industry, the product is intangible compared to manufacturing of tangible goods (Wessel Burcher, 2010). The manufacturing industry was the first to experience success in the application of total quality management techniques. Because of this of this success, TQM techniques had to be made to fit into the service industry. The financial industry is in the service industry and supermarkets and financial investment firms belong to this industry (Yasin, et al., 2009). In as much as its resources, time and system are used for cash and asset management, the supermarket has also devoted all its resource in management of its customers as well as its services (Heckl, et al., 2010). Unlike most supermarkets, the system is designed to satisfy the customers and not to control any of the clients. In the old traditional retail systems, every product set up focuses mainly on the convenience of the supermarkets rather than the convenience of the customers. Several large supermarkets may have more than one vice president whose responsibility is focused on the asset management and guarding of the company’s assets (Yasin, et al., 2009). However, it is a common this to also find that lack of a vice president whose responsibility focuses on customer relation management. For the rare cases where a supermarket can focus its resources on customer relationship management much priority is usually not given on CRM (Yasin, et al., 2009). The customers usually hold the lifeline of any business irrespective of the sector it deals with. It does not matter whether the business is in the service industry of manufacturing industry. Customers would always seek for quality in order to be satisfied. When it comes to the service industry, customers undoubtedly become sensitive to quality of service compared to the manufacturing industry (Yasin, et al., 2009). The reason is because of the fact that interaction between customers and the companies occurs with frontline representatives of the company (Yasin, et al., 2009). The use of TQM techniques by Tesco to improve efficiency and effectiveness Tesco is one of the most successful retain supermarket chains in the UK. This is because of its service and product quality. Tesco was started as a retail company in 1920s and since then it has expanded and grown to become among the world largest companies in the retail industry. In terms of the revenue base, the company comes second after Wal-Mart which is a US based company (Ciaran Wall, 2011). Ever since it began, Tesco has continued to introduce new products and services to satisfy the needs of its customers. Currently it mainly deals with production and sales of food items, groceries, cloths, and electronics among other items. In addition the company also deals in sales of houses, internet services, financial and insurance services. These are among its latest business ventures (Ciaran Wall, 2011). The company has used the concept and philosophy of quality management to maintain its position as the leading supermarket in the UK. It goes the extra length not to increase quality of its services but also to maintain the quality for customer continuous satisfaction. The main focus in quality assurance for the company is to provide customers with products and services that will meet their needs as well as providing products and services that are free of accidents, wastes or defects (Ciaran Wall, 2011). Quality performance objective is the most prioritized objective above all other business strategic objectives (Ciaran Wall, 2011). The company uses various strategies to achieve this goal of quality. The company dedicates a highly skilled human resource to maintain and improve the quality of services offered to its customers. Every single day, the company’s management staff has to attend a meeting with the main agenda being total quality management. The staff discusses ways in which every business function can be integrated or adjusted to meet quality. The company has a quality improvement team that deals with ensuring maintenance of quality in all the goods the company sells in its stores as well the services it provides to its loyal customers. In addition the quality improvement team is charged with the responsibility to identify ways of improving the quality of service to its customers every day. This team meets on a weekly basis to lead and monitor the process of quality assurance (Ciaran Wall, 2011). In addition to the dedication of human resource to customer service management, the company also has principles and policies used to govern quality assurance. The first policy is that, it is a mandatory for all employees to meet the requirements of the customers all the time. Secondly the policies also focus on prevention of defects in its products and errors during the process of customer service. The goods sold in Tesco stores must meet certain standards and this means that total quality management according to Tesco involves also the supply chain management. Suppliers of goods are not expected to deliver goods with defects which would cause the customers to raise complaints. Thirdly, the policies also focus on the verification of processes to measure whether they are meeting the right standards for quality. Speed performance objective The condition for food preparation has to be hygienic The company also considers the quality management system of all its suppliers before getting into business with them Cost performance objective Human resource management. The company has policies that ensure its team of workers is treated with the respect it deserves Improving quality in the products is achieved in several ways. Tesco as a company produces its own products. Being a retain chain with stores online and in several other location in the UK, the company gets to sell products produced by other manufacturing companies. The company subjects all its products to testing in order to meet the required standard of quality. It inspects all its products at every point during the process of production (Ciaran Wall, 2011). Hygiene is maintained especially for production of goods that require cleanliness. Food products and pharmaceuticals are just but the example of products that require high sensitivity to cleanliness. Therefore, a part from employing skilled workforce, the company ensures that the people handling products that require high sensitivity to cleanliness maintain a certain level of hygiene to mitigate errors and complains. If customers who use the food court at any of the company’s stores complain of about the quality of food , then this would affect the business and cause customers to develop mistrust for the company. However, when customers enjoy the food produced by Tesco because of the quality, then they would undoubtedly develop a habit of buying food at Tesco’s stores (Ciaran Wall, 2011). Products sold at the stores have to have marks indicating the date of expiry. This includes both the products produced by the company and the products produced by other companies. When a good is about to expire after staying on the shelf for too long, the quality assurance and improvement team ensure that they are removed from the shelves and disposed properly (Ciaran Wall, 2011). The goods which are shelved on Tesco’s stores have to be fresh. As such, the company has found it highly possible to make sells of items such as groceries and meat fresh meat products. Perishable goods are sold within the stores on a daily basis and replenished on a daily basis. It is hard to find highly perishable products being shelved after 24 hours (Ciaran Wall, 2011). In most cases, they are entirely sold out within the time period of 24 hours. The company also has a policy where once perishable goods such as groceries begin to show signs of defect, they are automatically removed from the she lves and donated to homes where they can be used immediately. The team charged with the responsibility of quality control and assurance ensures that only products that meet the required standards are shelved. Quality control is therefore majorly achieved through two main methods: inspections and testing (Yasin, et al., 2009). It is a technique that is applied during the entire process of production. It is applied before the finished product is produced and also after production (Yasin, et al., 2009). The raw materials have to be subjected to standard testing. It cannot use raw materials that will not yield the expected quality. Therefore selection of materials to be used in production is an crucial aspect of quality that the company emphasizes on. Every product of the various stages of production has to be tested to meet certain standards (Yasin, et al., 2009). Speed is an notable emphasis in the company when it comes to performance objective. This implies the time taken for delivery of an item once the client places an order. Customers are highly valued and none of them is expected to wait longer than the required time for delivery (Yasin, et al., 2009). The company simply tries to reduce cases of customer complaints by ensuring that they get value for their money (Yasin, et al., 2009). A customer can get what he or she needs whenever they need it; and hence it is only through speedy delivery of products that this objective can be achieved. Speed is used when handling customers. The store customer attendants are taught to be very prompt as they attend to customers. The company has noticed that customers can be frustrated by long queues especially when making payments (Yasin, et al., 2009). This frustration can cause the customers to opt for other stores or supermarkets with shorter queues. In response to this need, the company has ensured that delivery of service at the teller points is very fast and efficient so that customers do not have to waste their valuable time (Yasin, et al., 2009). When speed is achieved in the operations of the company, then all the other departments will be impacted to incorporate speed (Yasin, et al., 2009). Communication of information is done with the same necessary speed for effectiveness. Speedy communication helps in proper record keeping. It helps throughout the entire process of supply chain management and inventory management. Quality in communication however is only achieved through proper IT system that integrates all the business functional units for smooth flow of information. The company has an enterprise resource planning system that helps to improve the quality of internal and external communication in the company. The system enhances smooth and quick flow of communication throughout the process of supply chain management (Yasin, et al., 2009). The human resource management affects quality of the products. HRM is one other area that the company stresses on when it comes to ensuring quality of service delivery. Customers have to be treated with value and esteem when they interact with the company (Yasin, et al., 2009). Human resource is valued since the company has realized the role human resource plays in ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Tesco has devoted to treating its associates with the respect they deserve and in effect this has yielded fruits in the company’s general output (Yasin, et al., 2009). The associates and employees need to be motivated to work harder and be at their best (Chew Sharma, 2006). The human resource team at Tesco has ensured that the best potential of every employee is produced. For instance, the company has dedicated substantial amount of its vast revenue and profits to employee reward and compensation system (Chew Sharma, 2006). The packages provided to employees for their work is worth it since at the end of it all the employees are motivated to work for the best of the company. The organizational culture created by the human resource team is one that is aligned to the strategic objectives of the company. Quality assurance is among the strategic objectives of the company (Yasin, et al., 2009). Tesco has low cost policies. This performance objective depends on the efficiency of the internal operations of the company (Yasin, et al., 2009). When the company is able to be effective internally, then it implies that it uses less money in running its operations. As a result the company will be in a better position to provide its customers with high quality goods and services at a reduced cost compared to its competitors (Yasin, et al., 2009). Resources are usually wasted or spent unnecessarily when trying to repair products or correct errors made. Such cost has been avoided by the company because of its effectiveness in its internal operations (Ciaran Wall, 2011). The effectiveness has been reflected in the cost of its products. UK companies have been experiencing effects of the recession for the fourth year now since 2008 (Ciaran Wall, 2011). However, Tesco is among the few companies in the retail industry that has continued to experience increased revenues and profitability d espite the effects of the recession. With the low cost policy customers are still able to maintain their shopping volume (Yasin, et al., 2009). Adjusting to the recession required flexibility as form of performance objective (Yasin, et al., 2009). The company has been able to achieve this objective and as a result maintained its competitiveness in the market (Yasin, et al., 2009). The market has a lot of changes and diversification. The company changes its marketing strategy to suit the opportunities available in the market. For instance, during the peak of the recession in 2008, customer purchase behavior changed drastically (Ciaran Wall, 2011). This meant that the company had to adjust to the purchase behavior of that moment. It required constant updated analysis of the market situation and considering the four elements of market mix to identify ways in which they can be adjusted to fit the needs of the markets. In this way the company managed to maintain its sales volume, revenue base, and profit margins (Ciaran Wall, 2011). Flexibility also entails introduction of new services and products to enhance the experience of the customers when they visit Tesco stores. The latest products introduced by the company are mainly in the service industry. They include sales of houses, financial, insurance, and internet services. Another example of a new product is the Irish yoghurt (Ciaran Wall, 2011). This was introduced with the realization of consumers appreciating natural products. In order to reduce the cost incurred through the process of product distribution, the company decided to have its own products that are used domestically on daily basis. This includes items such as milk, bread, butter, jam, ice cream etc. all these products bear the brand name of the company and they retail at cheaper prices compared to other brands produced by other companies (Ciaran Wall, 2011). Approaches to Improve TQM and customer care There are numerous approaches that can be adopted in order to improve the quality of customer experience in an organization. Leadership in a company needs to be active and involved in all aspect of business function (Smith, 2009). Leadership inspires success and it is therefore recommended that effective leadership and managerial skills be employed. The kind of leadership required is one that envisions quality of customer experience as means that would make a difference in the company intended impact to the consumers (Smith, 2009). Anybody can offer leadership, but the leadership needs to be vital to cause positive change in the organization. It is a practice that has to be adopted if companies want to improve the quality of customer experiences of its products and services (Smith, 2009). The other solution to effective improvement of customer care is through a joint ownership of a company’s essential business function. Marketing, human resource, and customer service are important business functions of any company such that whenever a problem occurs with one of the function, there is need to have a collective ownership by all the three departments in order to fix the problem (Smith, 2009). When such a problem is solved by the triad, then effectiveness of the solution is optimized. There is also need to focus on strategically important customers (Smith, 2009). A company needs to collect data of all its potential customers and develop strategies of attracting them and sustaining their loyalty (Smith, 2009). Conclusion Total quality management can be defined as a means of seeking excellence in all functions of business in order to prevent possibilities of errors or mistakes and to create optimal customer satisfaction Quality is used a strategic weapon where companies use to compete within the current markets. Quality pleases the consumers who are the most important people for any business whether in service sector or deals with production of goods. This paper has provided a critical analysis of case studies that focus on how the UK based Tesco supermarket has introduced and developed a holistic system total quality management. Throughout the entire paper, it is apparent that techniques of TQM are important for a company to succeed and remain competitive in the marketplace. The techniques of TQM are applied on every essential function of a business including, Human Resource Management, SCM, CRM, and marketing. Reference list Bowersox, C. Cooper, 2010. Supply Chain Logistics Management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Chew, I. Sharma, B., 2006. The effects of culture and HRM practices on firm perfomance. international journal of manpower, pp. 560-581. Ciaran, C. Wall, T., 2011. The global financial crisis and UKs PPPs. International Journal of public sector management, pp. 533-542. Heckl, D., Moormann, J. Rosemann, M., 2010. Uptake and Success Factors of six signs in the retail service industry. Business Process Management Journal, p. 16(3). Smith, S., 2009. Customer Experience Management: 10 Best Practices to Create Real Business Value. [Online] Available at: Wessel, G. Burcher, P., 2010. Six sigma for small and medium-sized enterprises. The TQM magazine, pp. 16(4), pp.264-272.. Yasin, M., Alavi, J., Kunt, M. Zimmerer, T., 2009. TQM practices in service organizations: an exploratory study into the implementation, outcome and effectiveness. Managing Service Quality, pp. 14(5), pp. 377-389.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Survival Guide Rhetoric And Writing - 1741 Words

Survival Guide to Rhetoric and Writing This guide is to help aid you in bettering your writing skills and provide tips that approach the process of writing with rhetoric. I’m not a great writer myself therefore I cannot make you one. I can, however, explain to you the most important rhetorical concepts and writing strategies needed when writing any paper in hopes that it will aid you with any future writing assignments you come across. Introduction to Rhetoric The traditional definition of the word rhetoric was proposed by Aristotle. He said rhetoric was just a means of persuasion, which is only partially correct. The current textbook definition of rhetoric, according to Webster and embellishments made overtime, is stated as â€Å"the art or†¦show more content†¦It is more beneficial if you are aware of when you’re using it because it makes it easier for you to employ. The easier it is for you to employ rhetoric, the easier it is for you to transform your writings into better ones. The familiarization of rhetoric is one of the single most important skills for a writer to effectively communicate their purpose to their audience and successfully write in different styles, or genres. Purpose, Audience and Genre Any and every paper has a purpose. Whether we write: to entertain, to inform, to express, to communicate, or to persuade, there is a purpose. In most cases, our purpose determines the genre we choose which then determines our audience; it’s almost like a domino effect. When you’re trying to decide what your purpose is you should ask yourself two important questions. The first thing you should ask yourself is â€Å"Why am I writing this essay?† and, â€Å"What do I want my audience to feel after reading my essay?† Most students answer to the first question tends to be â€Å"I’m writing this essay because my professor told the class to and I need to pass the class.† Instead of thinking like that, a writer should try to dig deeper by considering the purpose of the assignment. The more a writer understands their assignment, the better he or she can focus on what they want to accomplish with their paper or get through t o their audience. When writing a paper, after you consider WHY you’re

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Media Influences on Social Norms and Health Free Essays

Media’s Authority on Illness: Messages the Public learn In today’s culture, the media influences many aspects of daily life. For the purpose of this research the media will encompass television, newspaper, magazines, and internet and the messages learned from these outlets relating to illness. In addition, investigating how people in power authoritative the messages portrayed on the media outlets and the agenda behind the messages. We will write a custom essay sample on Media Influences on Social Norms and Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now The people or organizations that influence the media have a big impact on the way we learn or feel about illness. Human beings can come to accept most anything that is repeated on the news, published in magazines, and said by people of influence. People in power will include, for the purpose of this argument, those with credentials, self-help â€Å"experts†, and funding agencies for specific illnesses. The media and people in power control what the public learns about illness. Moreover, publicizing illness when there is a finical gain or what socio-economic group suffers from the disorder or illness. According to Brumberg (2000), anorexia nervosa was a relatively unheard of disease until the 1980s. Today it is so commonplace that women will see a friend who has lost weight or looks skinny and refer to her as â€Å"looking anorexic. † If this disease was only labeled as anorexia around thirty years ago how did it explode into mainstream culture so quickly? There are a number of different arguments to pose: elite women from Ivy League universities took interest in the topic, the three most popular women’s’ magazines published many stories about the disease, and people of social status died from this disease (Brumberg 2000). Different diverse newspapers became intrigued and jumped on the anorexia bandwagon, even including pictures of gauntly women on the covers claiming outrageously high numbers of women that now have this disease (Brumberg, 2000). It is also important to note that nearly all of the anorexia sufferers were white and came from rich families (Brumberg 2000). These girls coming from wealthy families obviously had the money to pay for treatment and doctors. It is possible that their families ran in circles with doctors, scientists, and people that have social status to make powerful decisions. These decisions generated media attention leading to the general public being flooded with movies, documentaries, and news broadcasts (Brumberg 2000). If these affected by this new disease of anorexia were poor and underprivileged arguably the public would not have learned about anorexia and it might possibly not exist today. Like anorexia, the disease of fibromyalgia did not exist as a labeled disorder until the mid seventies (Barker 1999). Remarkably now six million Americans are diagnosed a syndrome which did not exist thirty years ago. Self-help literature and the internet is one of the biggest facilitators in generating information to the public as well as funded organizations (Barker 1999). According to Barker (1999) fibromyalgia is characterized by many different symptoms and it can present itself differently for every case. Interesting enough during interviews Barker performed with twenty-five women only one woman had not read self-help books, but she relied on information from her support group leader to learn about her syndrome (Barker 1999). Debatably, these women may have never learned they had a syndrome, lived their lives without media messages, and possibly saving money, time, and heartache dealing with this new diagnosis. By looking at the new diseases of fibromyalgia and anorexia it is clear that the media and people of influence taught the general public about these illnesses and facilitated there widespread exposure, but how does the media choose what messages to deliver and what messages to keep away from the general public. Clearly, anorexia was a disease of wealthy, attractive girls which could make a good story, generating money for the news outlets, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies. In addition, fibromyalgia could generate the same type of financial gain for doctors and medical companies, but are these the only motivators for the media and powerful people. According to Armstrong, Carpenter, and Hojnacki (2004) who constructed a study about whose deaths matter in America with attention to the mass media and the same motivators were congruent with the results they found. Consistent with powerful people controlling messages in the media, Armstrong et. al (2004) discovered that celebrities and members of Congress become involved with different diseases promoting attention and consequently leading to these promoted diseases appearing on national media outlets. For example, when Karen Carpenter died of anorexia it brought many celebrities together to publicize anorexia teaching the public the importance of treatment for anorexia (Brumberg 2000). The media claims that the diseases they cover are those that affect the general population but ironically the people that dictate what these general population diseases are, consist of the influential people and those with credentials (Armstrong et. al 2004). During Armstrong et. al (2004) study they also discovered that the media is more likely to cover diseases that affect white people than black people, even if a disease is killing many more blacks than whites. Mass media focuses more on the color of someone’s skin and social status than the mortality rate of a certain disease or illness. This absurdity can also be seen not only with what the media covers, but with what they choose not to cover. From the 1960s to 1980s black men in Harlem had a lower rate of survival than men in Bangladesh (McCord and Freeman 1990) and this was not publicized or put on any major media outlet. If white men had a lower survival rate it would have been all over the major news headlines because of their socio-economic status and control towards the media. The unequal coverage of media attention because of issues of power, race, and money in turn condition the general public’s perception about illness. Even people that are educated and intelligent many times cannot control being manipulated by the media to go along with messages they are delivering. What’s more is if the doctors, celebrities, and powerful funding companies are not endorsing an illness, therefore the media does not cover it, the general public will not ever hear about it. Surely, if anorexia suffers would have been black women with low socio-economic status the top women’s magazines in the country would not have published stories, news broadcasts would have been non-existent, and quite possibly anorexia would only be known to few and not a mainstream disease. Diseases that affect minority groups draw far less media attention and Armstrong et. al (2004) theorizes that it stems from predominantly white broadcasters and media executives. Furthermore, speculating that media workers would rather focus on illness that affects their particular social class and group (Armstrong et. al 2004). This theory continues to support the argument that the people in power are working through the media to control the messages the public learn about illness and disease. Organized advocates, research scientists, and politically active organizations also have a high investment in messages the media relays to the public. Advocates call great attention to their cause threw drawing on media attention and aligning themselves with politicians that support their cause in accordance with the policy goals of the politician (Armstrong et. al 2004). It is a win for all involved; the politicians get the media coverage they want for their agenda, again sending messages about illness in a political format. People in power and the media have an enormous function in controlling what messages the public learns about illness. There are many different reasons they want to control the messages humans take in through various types of media outlets. Facilitating their own social group, money, and political gain are just a few addressed in this argument. The mass media, controlled by powerful people decide what illness they want the public to learn about and often times it has more to do with race and status than how many people are actually suffering or even dying from a disease. References McCord, C. Freeman, H. P. (1990). â€Å"Excess Mortality in Harlem. † New England Journal of Medicine, 322:25 p. 173-177. Brumberg, J. J. (2000). â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa in Context. † Fasting Girls pp. 10-21, 33-42 264-267. Armstrong, E. , Carpenter, D. Hojnacki, M. E. (2006). â€Å"Whose Deaths Matter? Mortality, Advocacy, and Attention to Disease in the Mass Media. † Journal of Health Politics and Law 31:4, pp. 729-772. Barker, K. (2002). â€Å"Self-Help Literature and the Making of an Illness Identity: The Case of Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS). † Social Problem 49:3, pp. 279-300. How to cite Media Influences on Social Norms and Health, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

New Girl free essay sample

My body tenses as I approach my somber-faced parents sitting at our dimly lit kitchen table—we are moving, again. This was our third move in six years, and I was eleven. I turn away from my parents, and trudge up the stairs. We lived in Appleton for three years, but I expected to spend the rest of my childhood there. But then again, I thought the same for Aurora, Illinois, and Greenville, Wisconsin, too. But now we were moving to Hartland, a suburb of Milwaukee. We might as well have been moving across the country, since I lost contact with all my friends in previous moves. My dad spent months commuting to his new job in Hartland, while my mom looked for a house. Every time she returned home from house-hunting, I gained hope that the move wouldn’t happen. You can’t move somewhere if you don’t have a house, right? But, it didn’t take long before my mom found a house. We will write a custom essay sample on New Girl or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I sat in my friend’s mom’s car during a rained-out softball practice when my mom called with the news. It was actually happening—the move was real. We left Appleton a month before I went into sixth grade. I entered middle school, a as the new girl—an added disadvantage. The first weeks were the hardest. No one knew who I was, and no one cared. During my first choir class, the teacher told us to introduce ourselves to the kids sitting next to us. â€Å"Hi, I’m Kel—† The boy sitting next to me cut me off mid-introduction. â€Å"I don’t know you, so I’m not going to talk to you,† the boy said, and he turned to talk with the girl sitting on his other side. Things turned around, though, when basketball season arrived. I had played basketball since second grade, and I knew basketball tryouts would be my opportunity to branch out and meet more people. And through basketball, I met new classmates, and settled into Hartland. Now, having lived in Hartland for six years, I am happy to call it home. Not a lot of people notice that I have moved three times in my life. Although moving has been a source of grief and struggle for me, it has been an important part of my life, and it has changed me for the better. Through moving, I learned to adapt to new environments, put myself out there, and be open to connecting with and meeting new people. Being â€Å"the new girl† has prepared me for my future and any challenges I have to undergo. And now I know that during my years studying at Madison, I will bring effort, determination, and open-mindedness to make the best out of any situation, because that is what â€Å"the new girl† does.