Saturday, February 15, 2020

How television advertisements affect children's purchase Essay

How television advertisements affect children's purchase psychologically - Essay Example This "How television advertisements affect children's purchase psychologically" essay outlines the impact of the advertisement on the consumers' behavior as children of today are tomorrow’s adult consumers. 1998; How Markets Target Kids, n.d). The autonomy of children in making decisions regarding family purchases has greatly increased compared to previous generations (How Markets Target Kids, n.d). The casual and friendly approach of parents towards their children has immensely contributed to such behavior. Children are not hesitant to openly voice out their needs in today’s households and parents yield to their requests either due to constant pestering from the child or to overcome their guilt about not having enough time to spend with their kids (How Markets Target Kids, n.d). In addition the changing family systems such as dual income, nuclear families and having children later in life have also influenced the buying capacity of the parents (How Markets Target Kids, n.d; Bhattacharyya & Kohli, 2007). However, in families where there are financial constraints such pestering can lead to child-parent conflicts which could have an impact on their relationship (Hoek, & Laurence, 1991). Constant pestering and crying f or long periods could have an irritating effect on parents especially after a hard days work. The pester power of children is increasingly seen in consumption of food products especially junk foods such as burgers, pizzas and fries. Other products include clothes or choosing holiday destinations of their interest.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Economiccs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Economiccs - Essay Example This means that if resources will be allocated to take care of the young children from disadvantaged environments, the benefits will not only be for the children but for the whole society as well. This can be analyzed through data about the education and the human skills as major factors to determine productivity. Education as a public good when made available to all children can decrease the inequity in the society as it reduces academic and societal difficulties in the future. And through education, skills could be acquired. These skills could help achieve productivity both in the workplace and in the society. Children who were able to go to school will learn and acquire skills that they can use for jobs in the future. In the long run, unemployment and problems brought by it like crimes can be reduced. This is because returns of such investments cannot be realized directly during the present time. The changing trends in the labor markets can also contribute to the inefficiencies th at are present in the economy. The emergence of new technologies has raised the demand for highly skilled workers who are qualified to use them (Heckman and Masterov, 7).